International Quality Guarantee
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International Quality Guarantee
If you have ordered through our International partner - Global-e, we want you to love our products as much as we do, and believe our quality is second to none.
We're so confident of this; we offer a three-month quality guarantee - that even applies to items purchased during the sale. As long as you have proof of purchase (receipt, confirmation email or order no. will all do), then we will give you a full refund.
The only exceptions to our 3 month guarantee are:
- If you have purchased using Global-e, then the guarantee period is three months.
- Products purchased that have been altered in any way (including, but not limited to, sleeve shortening, addition of pockets, trouser alternations, jacket alterations and shortening of shirt tails), are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. There may be circumstances where we can arrange a replacement if the product has a manufacturing defect.
- Monogrammed products cannot be returned or refunded.
At this time we are not able to offer exchanges this way, so you will need to return for a full refund and place a new order online.