International Delivery and Returns

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International Delivery and Returns

We have partnered with Global-e to offer an even easier way for you to order internationally. Your order will be fully tracked and you will be able to pay in your local currency. You can even process a return online using the Global-e Returns Portal.

Take a look at some of our frequently asked questions below for all our international information.

They are Europe's leading provider of international e-commerce. Partnering with Global-e means Charles Tyrwhitt can now offer our international customers a more streamlined shopping experience, making it even easier for men to dress well - worldwide!

We are happy to advise that we can now service over 200 countries across the globe. To see a full list of all the countries we serve and the delivery timeframes, please click here.

We are able to offer pre-payment of taxes and duties to some international destinations  - when you select express shipping. When you checkout you should see this charge separately so you are fully aware of what you are paying - no hidden extras! Please be aware that local taxes or duties may apply if you select our standard shipping. 

If there is no option to prepay local taxes and duties, then unfortunately this means we do not currently support your chosen destination at this time.

Returns are hassle- free when you use Global-e. All you need is a computer with access to the internet and a printer.

Please remember to complete and include the returns form on the reverse of your Invoice/Despatch note. If you no longer have this, you can download and print the form here. Alternatively, please enclose a letter with your name, address and order details if you have them.

To return with Global-e, please follow these simple instructions:

  1. Visit the Global-e returns portal. To log in you need to provide two details - your order ID and the email address you used when you placed your order.
  2. Follow the on screen instructions and enter all relevant information including reason for return and any comments you may have.
  3. You will then be able to create your label - we recommend sending your parcel back using an economy tracked service.
  4. Print your return label and place it on the exterior of the parcel, ensuring that all previous labels are covered. Please remember to include your Returns Form.

That's it! Now you can drop it at your chosen location. Don't forget to obtain your receipt from the postal service confirming they have received your package. Please remember that your return can take up to 10 days to return to the UK.

At this time we are unable to process exchanges for our International customers. If you need a different size, colour or item you will need to return your order for a refund and place a new order online.

Please use the Global-e returns portal to track your return.

We have this covered too! If you do not have access to a printer - please contact Global-e directly who will be more than happy to assist in this instance.

Please allow between 5 - 10 working days for your refund to be processed. Please contact Global-e directly if you require further information.

At present, if you’ve ordered internationally with us, we unfortunately cannot process any return in our stores. We hope this will change in the future.