How to find a Product Code

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How to find a Product Code

Sometimes you might need to find our product code, also what we may call a SKU code. You may need to find this information to enter in your exchange details, for example.

There are two ways to find this code:

On the product page – You’ve gone to our website and are on a product page. To find the product code, you must look under the product details section, on the right hand side of the page.

Please note: The product code is dynamic and it changes when you select a different colour or fit, so if you toggle sizes and fit ensure you’ve made a note of the new product code. It is also important to note that when you select a size, this is added to the end of the product code. For example “CSR0905SKY in a medium becomes CSR0905SKYM4S”.

You’ve added some items to your shopping bag. You will see the code just below the product description, or above the image itself. This is the full code, which includes the size you have selected.